How to Be Trauma Informed in 2023
Kate Manuell Kate Manuell

How to Be Trauma Informed in 2023

I don’t believe that simplifying trauma is the answer however, to healing it. It is nuanced, and it runs deep. If you’re creating community to build people up, educate, guide, coach, podcast, etc., giving trauma some space in your repertoire is ESSENTIAL for reducing further harm in the wellness space.

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How Astrology Can Help You With Positive Shifts
Kate Manuell Kate Manuell

How Astrology Can Help You With Positive Shifts

The planets are always influencing us. Ever since I was little, my mom had curious Astro books hanging around on the coffee table. “Cosmic Sexuality” and “LLywelyn's Astrology” were common titles. My mother would give me and my high school friends little readings on Saturday nights.

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Grief and Loss
Kate Manuell Kate Manuell

Grief and Loss

The idea of “processing” or chatting about a loss likely brings up feelings of discomfort and apathy. What if we allowed ourselves to be in that pain, without any fear attached? What if we allowed eachother to feel deeply, move through, and reflect?

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