How Astrology Can Help You With Positive Shifts

Astrology has always been top of mind for me. Ever since I was little, my mom had curious Astro books hanging around on the coffee table. “Cosmic Sexuality” and “LLywelyn's Astrology” were common titles. My mother would give me and my high school friends little readings on Saturday nights. This quickly became a regular thing - and was embedded into my mind as pretty important stuff.

In my experience, I continue to seek guidance from the cosmos as my life unfolds. Currently, I am in the midst of my Saturn return. Saturn sits in my second house, the house of finances, spirituality, and values. Naturally, I am expecting some harsh lessons in these areas of my life. Astrology is funny, because I seek out guidance from the stars, but simultaneously, I am being influenced by them without knowing it. This is astrology’s everlasting paradox.  As I open my Time Passages app to seek out my horoscope, the planets have already influenced me to seek that guidance. You see what I mean? Do the planets influence you to dig deeper into their effects? Is there a certain time in your life where you are more open to the idea of astrology? I dont think that astrology can be forced upon you - it has to come naturally. 

I find that I look at my horoscope when I need it most - and at the point in time when it resonates the deepest. When I realized I wanted to become a creative, I turned to astrology to find ways I could maximize on my innate gifts. So I looked at my mercury, which rules thinking and communication. I realized quickly that my chart had a recipe for a creative communicator. And I bet your chart has insights very similar to mine regarding your creative nature. 

For example, Mercury can tell you how you go about communicating and the ways in which your mind works. Who doesn’t want more insight about themselves?! Take a look at where Mercury is in your chart. What element is it in? Water, fire, earth, or air? The placement of this quick moving planet can tell you a lot about the constitution of your mind. My mercury is in Scorpio, a water sign, in the 11th house. Water is flowy and reflective. This could give me some helpful perspective on the type of writing I produce - which is deep, reflective and ever-flowing. I like to connect deeply with my words. Scorpio likes to transform, so I could say that I communicate with emotion and depth and my words promote transformation. Let’s say that your Mercury is in a fire sign, for example, Leo. Fire is fast moving, light producing and transforms material. You could say that the way you communicate is rooted in change, passion and action! 

You don’t need to know much about astrology to interpret your chart yourself. Start with the elements and reflect on the qualities of each one. Translate them into your life!

Astrology truly has helped me through times of sincere doubt in my abilities to establish a career, enter into a conscious relationship, and speak my truth. When I was in a very dark time during 2020, I kept referencing my birth chart and would receive validation and inspiration to keep following my calling. I am now a business owner and am working towards full time self-employment on my own terms. Astrology is truly empowering when you look at it from a growth perspective and not a “tell me about myself and i’ll tell you if you’re correct or not” perspective. 

And don't worry- even if you have no planets in a house - you still have every sign’s energy in your life! Every sign exists in your chart - which is pretty cool. 

There's a moment in time where Saturn transits your first house, and you are just ready to do the work, or have even the slightest interest in committing to something big. There’s another moment when your Saturn comes back to where it was when you were born, and you become your own parent. Something that I have learned the hard way and consistently come back to, is that you simply won't commit to something until you're actually ready. Good ol’ Saturn will assist your big shift. 

I have spent an embarrassing amount of time in the past wondering why I haven’t jumped into a certain career, decided to go back to school, invest in a course, blah blah blah. Cue feeling bad about myself and having identity crises left and right.  I have done many trainings that I truthfully was not fully committed to at the time and just signed up for the certificate. But I have also participated in trainings where I was fully ready - more than ready - to commit to the work. And those have been by far, the most transformative and deep experiences of my life. Now what prompted those decisions? Partially life circumstance, and partially transits in the cosmos that manifested as my being-readiness. There’s no doubt in my mind that planet transits are the underbelly of a life change. Something so cataclysmic making moves around the Solar System undoubtedly affects our human brain and body!

After Saturn left my first house recently, there was a feeling of deep exhalation - a loosening of the constrictions and beliefs I held about my identity. What followed, while I didn’t even know it at the time, was a full-body commitment to a career. I truly thought that would NEVER happen and that I would be searching FOREVER for something that made money and also lit me up. Now if you asked me what prompted this shift, I would tell you that it was many things. A Lot of work I was doing to uncover my belief systems, yoga practice, and using plant medicine such as psilocybin and cacao. All of these things assisted with my commitment to a career. However positioned in the sky, in the underbelly of my experience, was Saturn. Good ol’ daddy Saturn moving out of my first house of identity into the house of values. I’ve gotta give him some credit. 

 I encourage you to look back at big changes in your life. If you look hard enough, you will probably find many planetary explanations for your circumstance at that time. AND, you could also look back and find great meaning without even taking one look at astrology. 

This is where I land with it. The planets will always be there, silently influencing energy around and in us, whether we subscribe to it or not. Astrology is a language. If you choose to learn the language, you will find new perspectives. If you feel forced by the new age culture to adopt astrology as one of your interests (and let’s face it, there's plenty of that out there), by all means don't! It will always be here. And you will be here shifting, transforming, and growing per usual. *


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