Kate is a E-RYT500, Clinical Somatic Movement Therapist and Educator, Applied Neuroscience Tech + Biofeedback Practitioner. She has been teaching group and 1:1 transformational therapeutic experiences for a decade and has over 500+ hours of Trauma Informed Mindfulness Training as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Outdoor Wilderness Education + Policy from the University of New Hampshire.

Kate provides a therapeutic container that blends cutting-edge applied Neuroscience and PolyVagal theory with ancient Yogic approaches to vital living. From advocacy work at domestic violence prevention organizations to trauma informed yoga, she also loves to sing and play music. She received her RSMT+ CSE designations through ISMETA + Homebody Healing. She resides in Southern Maine with her dog Stevie and loving parter. She enjoys surfing + the great outdoors.

I am here to break down outdated beliefs that health and wellness need to be “attained.” Our body is already full of vitality. I’m here to support you in living that.

The doorway to our desired life and health is through somatic opening.